Sunday, March 23, 2014


Every day is a different day every day brings a new life, life is in present past and future. We cannot live in the past nor the future and technically the present. Because once it exists it doesn't exist. So we are living in nothing.

Tomorrow brings a new day, except tomorrow doesn't exist either. It is just a word that we use to describe a day in the future. However, the future doesn't exist so therefore nothing in the future exists so tomorrow doesn't exist.

Yesterday is kind of like tomorrow as well, it is a word we use to describe the past. But like the future the past doesn't exist so therefore yesterday does not exist.

Now, now is pretty confusing. The instant that you live a moment. However, it takes a little time for light to get to your eyes. It takes time for you to see, hear, smell, and feel. Therefore we are living in the past. But that doesn't work either because that moment actually happened it just took a second for you to realize it.

We are living in a nothing.

(I don't know what this was, it just came to me and I decided to write it down)


  1. It's either philosophy or science, depending on how you want to define what it is further. I like the deep thoughts though...or I did in the past. I'm looking towards the future, although it may be your past by the time you read it.

  2. That is a little scary because it true. What was happening that made you thin of that?
