Sunday, March 9, 2014


Thoughts are running through my head like when a swarm of bees attack you and you have no idea which one to swat at first so you just flail your hands and hope they go away, but they don't because you never will hit one of you don't look at where your aiming. Sweat is running down my face and glaze over my eyes so I can't see my computer screen anymore. It is like a waterfall and it just keeps coming, I didn't realize that I could even hold this much water in my body. I start uncontrollably shivering even thought its almost 70 degrees outside. My fingers shake and I know that I wont be able to hit any key or even type a word. I check the clock and see that it is time to go in four minutes. My fingers start trying to type and I finally get a sentence down. After what seems like sixteen minutes I finally finish. I sit back in my chair and look up at the ceiling, and think, why would any teacher in the right mind put this kind of stress on their own kid.


  1. Oh buddy, don't be stressed!

  2. Sorry you're stressed. Of course who ever said teachers were in their right mind?

  3. We liked your usage of similes and the way you compared things to each other. We could really relate to what you said about homework. We liked the way you used good sensory descriptive words.
    Mrs. Shuler's Sixth Grade
    Stockton, Missouri

  4. I agree with Mrs. Shuler, I loved all the similes you used to describe how you felt. Bravo.
