Friday, March 14, 2014

Flappy bird

I watch as the little bird flaps it's tiny wings and goes through the green Mario tubes. I have nothing to do so I am playing flappy bird. Maybe one of the reasons that it is so addicting is that it relates so much to life. Like your a little bird, you start and most people get past 1 but some are better than others, some are more successful so they go further. But some are left behind. As the bird goes through life it can fail at any moment, one extra tap and the whole thing dies and you have to start over.

It's very wierd how video games can give you such a deep message.


  1. ok...that's a good analogy, actually. Maybe the reason I don't like it is that if it's true, i'm not doing very well at life

  2. What a depressing outlook on life. I hope I'm not one of those left behind. But, regardless, I do like how you too something so innocuous and made it into a deep message. Nice work, Max!
