Friday, January 30, 2015


Going to bed early, waking up late, having a cough, tickling in your throat, stuffy noses, runny noses, naval pressure, stuffy ears, felling like someone is pushing on your eyes, fever, a normal cold usually has one maybe two of these things, but NOOO, mine had to be the one with every single one.

I go to bed early, wake up late, I have a nasty cough due to the tickling in my throat, my nose is so stuffed I can't get to bed that well, and my nose is runny, I have so much naval pressure that I have stuffy ears and I can't pop them, and my eyes hurt so bad I can't move them and I have to keep my head straight where ever I go, and my fever is 103. GOD! I hate it.

The worst part is almost going to bed and then realizing your SOL was due 5 hours ago.


  1. Oh, buddy. You sound miserable! Rest up and I hope you are starting to feel better!

  2. Is that why you were late on the slice? 0.0
