Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cross country

     Driving on the bus, I'm nervous, getting out, I'm nervous, warming up, I'm nervous. My heart beating so hard if I put my hand on my leg I can feel it. Should I eat this? Should I do that? Will that make me run faster? How much time do we have?

     Walking up to the starters line, I'm nervous. It feels like forever until the starter comes out, it feels like an hour while he goes over the rules, how were starting, where to go. I'm gonna mess up. I'm gonna trip. SOMETHING is going to happen. My heart beats faster, my eyes dart from left to right.

     I hear the horn finally. My nervousness disappears and I just run.


  1. This is exactly how I feel at a swim meet. Nice slice Max!

  2. I love and hate the adrenaline and anxiety right before a competition starts. It's so stressful but you really know you're alive. Your writing shows it so well and it is actually quite poetic, especially the last lines.

  3. Sounds like fun. I hope you won. :)

  4. Hmm. I'm nervous until about a quarter of the way through the race. However, I get super nervous before the race.
