Looking death in the face is something that I have never done. However, I might have seen him far away. One day I was on the beach with my mom and brother. My mom has pictures or my brother and I playing in the waves. We got further and further apart. Until suddenly just my brother was there. I had fell into a ditch. I couldn't swim out. At the time I wasn't very smart as a six year old. If I had thought about it, I would have realized that the water is rushing into the hole from the surface (which is why I couldn't swim out) but from the bottom, the water rushes out. If I had gone under I might have been able to get out. I started screaming and slapping at the water. My brother came over, I screamed at him, he turned away. He didn't want to get sucked in with me. I screamed at my mom. She started screaming back.
"This better be real," watch off.
"You had better be drowning," coat.
"For real," camera.
"I'm not kidding!" Purse. She finnally came in and pulled me out.
That sounds like it was a little scary. A few years ago, my brother and some of our friends got stuck in a riptide but one of them was a lifeguard and everyone was okay, but they got pretty feared out.