Thursday, April 23, 2015

Logan Map Poems

Sarah's UFA

I remember this place
I remember working, laughing, fighting
I remember I started school here
I remember number 422
I remember never taking anything out
and only putting things in
I remember it overflowed way too quickly
I remember my first friends
I remember this is where we met
I remember getting into trouble here
But now all that is memories and all I can do is remember

Walking into school on the first day

The giant doors shut
There is no turning back now
I start with a step

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


There once was a boy who didn't like speaking
Whenever he started he was internally shrieking
He always went fast
And he always went last
And during the speech he was leaking

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


It chews
It bites
It consumes
And fights
Its fierce
Its fast
It pierces
And lasts
Its warm
Its cool
There is nothing it cannot do
Its wind

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Albert Einstien

One of the greatest minds in history died today
The man who revolutionized our idea of science
The man who figured out that Energy=Mass*Speed squared
One of the greatest minds in history died today
The man who thought up General Relativaty 
The man who was an average student in school
One of the greatest minds in history died today
The man who couldn't remember his phone number
Let alone his home address
Albert Einstien died today

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ode to my bed

Every night I lie there sleeping
When the peace is destroyed
By this godawful beeping
I don't know how or why
Don't you see
What kind of person would set that thing?
Probably me

Even though my peace was destroyed
I owe that peace to you
Even though of my sleep I was betrayed
I owe that sleep to you

Oh what I would do without your wonderful mattress
I would probably sleep on some wood
But to another world you give me access
Every night I lie their peaceful but I look dead
To this I owe the Ode to you my dear bed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


The touch of the sky
The light of a thousand stars
All are upon me

All of the questions
That I cannot yet let go
Are burning inside

All of the memories
Some of what we like but some

Of what we cherish

Thursday, April 9, 2015

whenever I feel bad

I cannot imagine hard life. Every time that I think my life is going bad, or no one needs me, or I should be somewhere else. I think of those people out there right now who are experiencing the worst. Starvation, dehydration, cancer, war, PTSD, rape and so many other things that I can't imagine. So I just think of how lucky I am,  and I keep going.